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Awarded Grant Summaries

Sensory and Play Skills items

Sensory and Play Skills items

Megan Johnson, Teacher, 2023-2024 School Year

Description & Need:
I'd like to have $1,000 to spend on a variety of new sensory and play equipment. In my classroom we have a focus of regulating sensory needs so that our students are in a calm, ready-to-learn mode in their brains and bodies. Another focus is helping our students develop play and leisure skills with the ultimate goal of increased social interaction with their families at home and their peers at school

How project meets Instruction Goals and Mission Statement:
This project will help engage our unique learners to increase their social interaction skills. Our students often gravitate toward playing with non-toy objects and lots of wandering, pacing, spinning, etc. These do not lend themselves well to interacting with friends and often allow our students to tune out the world around them. We work to engage them in meaningful play that can build toward playing with peers from their general education classroom. Teaching play skills increases joint attention and teaches our students to 'tune in' to the world and people around them.

Major Objectives: 
Students will learn to play with at least 3 new games or toys.
Students will learn to ride a bike.
Students will play with peers at indoor recesses.
Students will regulate sensory needs

Teaching Methods:
Teaching methods that will be used to teach students new play skills will include direct instruction, teacher modeling, peer modeling and video modeling. Our new play materials will be introduced and taught during structured work session first so that the student can learn to play with the toy appropriately. As students become familiar with the toys and expectations they will be moved to our "Quiet play" area that is used during student break times, indoor recess and our sensory time. 

Grade Level Impacted:
This project will impact the students in the elementary Autism + Supports program. Currently, there are 9 students that will be directly impacted. Students in our high needs program will also have access to the materials. Our general student population will also get to use them when students come in (a few at a time) during indoor recesses through the winter.

Additional Materials: 
No additional materials will be needed beyond the items requested in the grant.

Project Evaluation:
Our objectives will be evaluated at an individual student level as we collect weekly data on play skills. We will also keep anecdotal notes about new play skills students are developing, what toys gain the most interest and are played with most often, and what toys lend themselves to playing alongside or with peers.