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Awarded Grant Summaries

Discovering Electronics

Discovering Electronics

Kelly Loschen, Trevor Korte & Joe Krysl, Teachers, Columbus Middle School

2018-2019 School Year

Description & Need:

Students use electronic components to follow instructions and engineer meaningful usable circuits.  Students are placed with a partner to problem solve more than 20 different experiments while working with integrated circuits, light emitting diodes (LEDs), photocells, and semiconductors.  Electronics provides students with hands on learning skills using math to solve resistance in an integrated circuit.  Students are strongly encouraged to seek the aid of their instructors not only during class time, but outside of class as well, to ensure that their electrical experiments are completed on time and to a high level of proficiency.

Major Objectives:

1. Define malfunctions of a basic electronic system and how it may affect the function and quality of the system.2. Describe electrons and electric current.3. Explain resistors, resistance and Ohm's.4. Recognize the basic components used in electronics.
5. Identify communication systems components which are made up of a source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder and destination.
6. Describe the basic function of electronic components.
7. Construct electronic devices by following schematic diagrams.

Grade Level Impact:
All Middle School 5th & 6th Graders are required to take STEM and the electronics unit.  Students will be able to work on their own Basic Electronic kits at their own pace or with a partner.  In the past student have to share the basic electronic kits between four students.  This will give them the opportunity to work ahead to find results themselves.  Introducing Basic Electronics as 5th and 6th graders gives these students the starting knowledge they require to be eligible for the Vex Robotics class offered to the 8th graders.