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Awarded Grant Summaries

Stylus Pencils

Stylus Pencils

Zonna Betz, Kindergarten Teacher, 2022-2023 School Year

Description & Need:
I am requesting up to 20 Zagg Pro Stylus pencils for our Kindergarten classroom. Kindergarten students have access to writing and drawing apps on their student iPads. However, they currently use their fingers to write letters/words. At an age when handwriting development and letter formation is critical, fingers do not give them the precision that would help them write on iPad screens.   

How project meets Instruction Goals and Mission Statement:
These stylus pencils would help with the learning goal that we have for students in our Writing Conventions proficiency scale "I can write so others can read and understand my writing." Included in this scale is an emphasis on legible handwriting. 

Major Objectives: 
My goal would be for students to use their stylus pencils as a medium for practicing letter formation for each new letter and kindergarten word. At a minimum, pencils would be used 3 time for each letter cycle - introduction of the letter and its formation, practice, evaluation at the end of 5 day cycle. Another objective would be to increase the time used on iPad technology. We currently do not complete writing goals with our iPads. These pencils would allow us to meet technology and writing objectives simultaneously. 

Teaching Methods:
These pencils would allow us to work on name writing, letter formation, and writing sentences in an engaging way via student iPads. Every letter introduction includes a day of tactile learning in small group settings. The stylus pencils would be an additional tool to use for feeling and experiencing letter formation. The pencils could also be used for individual responses during the instruction of math and reading lessons. Students could use the Educreations and Seesaw apps on iPads to write responses. 

Grade Level Impacted:
The stylus pencils would be utilized in Kindergarten. For the next school year, I will be using a student checkout system in my classroom to assign the pencils to students. Based on the ease of interchanging pencils between iPads, the use of these pencils could be expanded to all Kindergarten classrooms in our building. 

Additional Materials: 
The technology department was consulted and they advised that these pencils would be compatible with the new iPads being purchased next year. No additional materials would be required. 

Project Evaluation:
Students will use the stylus pencils for letter formation for each letter of the alphabet. This will occur on the first or second day of instruction of that letter. Students will use the pencils for weekly practice of first and last name handwriting practices. The teacher will create 4 lessons in Seesaw and 4 lessons in Nearpod that utilize the stylus pencils. Students will complete one of these lessons in each app per quarter.