Kick Up Coding
Kim Wilson, Computer Teacher, 2022-2023 School Year
Description & Need:
Currently we teach coding as part of our 8th grade curriculum. We use free curriculum that utilizes block coding for this class. Every quarter I have about 50% of my students who are ready to advance into more advanced coding languages. This grant would allow us to purchase 28 transferable licenses to code combat/Ozaria to teach both javascript and python coding with 8th grade students for the 22-23 school year.
How project meets Instruction Goals and Mission Statement:
I have a varied number of students each year who have advanced beyond our standard curriculum when it comes to coding. Given our mission that we want to engage students, I want to embrace this opportunity to engage advanced students who need to be challenged.
Major Objectives:
Fifty percent of the students enrolled in Computers II will complete an independent coding project, completing 4 or more chapters with 75% proficiency.
Teaching Methods:
One of the advantages of implementing this program is that it affords students the opportunity to work independently, while also allowing the teacher to monitor and guide progress. Instructional videos are embedded in each lesson, along with progress trackers (which allow the teacher to see areas a specific student may be struggling with).
Grade Level Impacted:
Directly, it is hoped that more than 110 students will be affected by this project. Theoretically, if we increase the level of rigor at 8th grade, it will allow us to increase the level of rigor in grades 5-7. As a result, it is hoped there will be a snowball effect with the implementation at 8th grade.
Additional Materials:
Student Chromebooks will be the only required materials.
Project Evaluation:
I already do coding pre and post surveys regarding students' attitudes towards coding and their perceived abilities. I am currently working on expanding that to include more precursor information about their knowledge base going into the class and again when exiting the class. I will have that in place by the fall.